Monday 15 February 2010


As can be seen this wonderful postcard is, as it says on the back, a "veduta aerea", aerial view. There is no question of when this photo was taken as it also has two dates on the  back, copyright 1995 and also 14.02.95 on the bottom.  If only all cards were like this.  As can be seen to the right of the leaning tower are the excavation works which even if there was no date on the card would place it at between 1990 and 2001 for that is when the restoration work was under-way to, successfully, correct the lean.

The campanile was built over a period of 177 years, first being started in 1173, but conflicts stopped work are various points, which is why, despite the suspect foundations it did not fall over, it had time to settle before the next layer was put on.

When I visited during its restoration period there was no access however the cathedral and especially the baptistery are worth a visit alone.  But it is the whole wonderful confection in perfect harmony shown beautifully in this card that makes the visitor catch breath.

1 comment:

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault said...

When I visited Pisa (about 30 years ago when I lived in Italy)it was open to visitors and people could climb up around the tower. I didn't go all the way to the top because I felt a bit nervous about the height and narrow path. A few months later a child fell off the edge. Terrible tragedy!
Evelyn in Montreal